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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Clash of Clans 6.407.2 apk best android game free download

Clash of Clans 6.407.2 apk is a best android or ios strategy game developed by supercell. This games was realease for andrioid in 2013. Now it was also available on google play for free. This is an online game where multiplayer make a community and attack each other to earn gold. This gold or money used to build building or some other defenses that protect you attack from other player.

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Clash of Clans 6.407.2 apk also have a feature to play with single player where a player attack on very progressively villages.How much you play it will make you strong or undefeatable. So you can make you army that consist of barbarians, archers, goblins, giants, wall breaker, balloons (bomb in these balloon to brake wall), dragons, healers. It also have heroes that consist barbarian king and queen.
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So in this game you can attack on other players village and defeat him. Troops help you to protect your village from other player. If you earn gold or other goods like this then you should required mines or save storage places to store it. It have a record of millions of people that give 5star to this game in review.
Important part of this game is to protect yourself or face off from other attack during wars. Leader can begin wars against to other clans. When your member attack on a member of other team, you will earn star that are based on your attack. But problem is that you are limited only two attack on one war.
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Clash of Clans 6.407.2 apk is free of cost but you can use some items if you purchase for real money. If you not interest to use it then you can set up password protection on it. Term and condition is that you should at least must be 13 years old to use it. And also required a net work connection to play this game.

It have a file size of 50mb Your android version should be at least 4.0 or above to install it.

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