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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sahih al bukhari apk in urdu free download

Sahih al Bukhari urdu apk is collection of sayings authentic ahadith by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The App contains many Ahadith to increase your knowledge about Islam. This Application contains the collection of Ahadith based on different topics of life.Each topic contain many Ahadith narrated by Sahaba (R.A).
You can move from hadith to anther by swiping your mobile screen.sahi al bukhari is one of the six authentic books of hadiths. These hadith are collected by the muslim scholar Muhammad ismail al bukhari and write in his books. In this book all hadith are tell with proper reference. In this books show discussion about different topic like revelation(wahi), knowledge(ilam), menses, prayers(salat,namaz), eid, jumma, hajj, debt, sales, gifts, witness.


Sahih al Bukhari urdu apk have following features
·        Zoom in or text size option
·        Bookmark option
·        Font style option
·        Notes option
·        Proper reference
·        Hadith show proper topic


·        Sahih al Bukhari urdu  version :                    1.09
·        This apk file Size:                                           9.4Mb
·       andriod Version required for this:               2.2 or above version

·       English version                                            1.03
·       English file size                                          1.33mb
·       Required android version for                       1.6 or above

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