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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sahih al muslim apk free download

Sahih al muslim apk is an application about authentic ahadith collected by muslim ibne alhijjaj (known as imam muslam). Imam muslim born in 202AH and died 261Ah. He went to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq to gather collection of ahadith, Sahih muslim is the second authentic book after sahi bukhari. Sahi muslim containing 43 books containing of total 7190 ahadith.

In this application you can see 3 type of application. 1st one you see only in English language for those people who don’t know urdu or Arabic. 2nd application consist of urdu language. And 3rd one is combination of urdu English and Arabic language. All these application can be download from the download link downside of this post.
Information about English version can be seen on play store in that link

And information about urdu can be seen on these play store link


Sahih al muslim urdu apk have following features
·        Sharing on facebook
·        Swipe up and down to read
·        Swipe left or write to next
·        List of favorite hadith
·        Zoom option
·        Bookmark
·        Translated in urdu Arabic and English
·        Completely free


·        Sahih al muslim urdu  version :                    1.0
·        This apk file Size:                                            4.76Mb
·       andriod Version required for this:               2.3 or above version
·       English version                                                1.3
·       English file size                                                2.09 mb
·       Required android version for                       2.2 and above

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